Thursday, May 23, 2013

Upcoming Events: A Night With Joni Eareckson Tada


We are so pleased that Joni is coming this Friday, May 24th at 7:00 p.m .  Have you put your reservation in yet?  We are almost full.  

I'm so encouraged as I am reading her books and watched her movie.  She is my hero who displays a perseverance above all others.  Her tenacity for Jesus is overwhelming and  inspirational to me.

We plan on having refreshments afterwards in the mini chapel for fellowship. Bring a generous portioned dessert as well!

Most importantly, please keep this evening in prayer.  We are amazed at her willingness to come and share with us.  
 It will certainly be an inspiring evening filled with worship, fellowship and a fabulous message by a pillar in our faith.

In His mercy & grace,

Lori Cook

Monday, May 20, 2013

Speaking From The Heart

This past Sunday during service, Pastor Lance continued to teach on 1 Thessalonians Chapter 3. Towards the end of his teaching he stressed the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He mentioned that the return of Jesus is mentioned more than three-hundred times in the New Testament. As I was listening to the teaching, the Lord so graciously gave me a simple but very effective illustration of His return that I felt led to share with all of you.

When I serve with the toddlers, whose ages are between 1-2 years, there is inevitably at least one child, sometimes all of them, that will cry for their mom. They feel abandoned, lost, uncomfortable with strangers, or just plain upset. I have found that there are five words that brings comfort to their little hearts. I tell them, "Your mommy will be back." I don't tell them what time she will be back because they don't yet understand the concept of time but I sometimes add that she will return in little while. For these precious souls who find love, comfort, and security in the arms of their mommies, those five words bring peace to them. Some have to be reminded several time but eventually are comforted by those words. It's no wonder that Jesus tells us to become like little children (Matt 18:3).

 If we find love, comfort, and security in Jesus, then trusting that He will be back will bring us peace in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in. The trials today are temporary and will soon pass. In the meantime, we learn through these circumstances how to bring glory to God.

So, when I see the huge smiles on theses precious kids as their mom or dad returns for them, I envision myself with the same expression on my face running to my Abba-Father's outstretched arms as He returns for me or He calls me home.

Thank you Jesus for loving us so much and reminding us of Your soon return. Help us to trust and focus on Your unfailing promise to come back for us. Thank you that until then, the Holy Spirit will help us become more like You so that You may be glorified in all that we do!

Awaiting the soon coming King,
Xochilt De La Cueva

CCLH Women's Spring Tea 2013

Here is a recap of this month's Tea.  It was amazing for those who missed it.  The ladies worked so diligently to provide an exquisite setting.  We savored the delicious food that our women prepared in our church kitchen!!  We have the link for more pictures click here:

Our guest speaker was Lenya Heitzig who has authored many of our women's bible study books.  She was delightful to listen to and was emotionally moved as she began to share what this area has meant to her as she grew up in La Habra Heights!!

Also the message was intense on His Peace which is also on our website: under teachings, women.

In His mercy and grace,
Lori Cook