Saturday, November 2, 2013

CCLH Women's Retreat 2013 -- Personal Revival--Through The Book of Habakkuk

Last weekend, a large group of women filled the Maranatha room at Calvary Chapel's Bible College in Murrieta for our annual women's retreat.  The theme was "Personal Revival", it was a time spent sitting at our Lord's feet, attentively seeking Him. 

Friday night, the retreat started with amazing worship by Sherri Youngward and a devotion by Lori Cook.  Lori reminded us what revival is.  Revival is the state of being revived, alive, flowing, and fresh.  Revival comes as we study God's word.  Revival is to strengthen something that once was vibrant.  Lori gave us six key actions that bring revival in our lives:

1.  Salvation
2.  Prayer
3.  Confession of sin
4.  Brokenness
5.  Obedience
6.  Boldness

What a sweet first night!  Everyone was excited and ready to receive what God had for them!

Saturday morning, we started our day worshiping our Lord. Sherri took us straight to the throne and the room was filled with His presence.  As a special treat, Gia Lucid joined Sherri for worship!  Two amazing voices leading us in worship.  It was beautiful and quite the surprise!

God's work in our hearts had only begun, Sandy Macintosh followed and shared a rich study out of the book of Habakkuk.  She covered the entire book in three sessions, too much to cover now (the entire recording is available to order).  One of the many things she shared that hit home for many of us is, "it's NOT our feelings that give God pleasure, it's our FAITH."  She also said, " it is so important to watch, write and wait on God's word."   Additionally, she mentioned that God has a hole in His heart with our name on it.  He is waiting on us to have a relationship with Him, He longs for us.

In between studies, we saw a clip of the movie:  "Billy The Early Years".  A movie depicting the life of Billy Graham.  We also saw a brief music video of the song "Feel the Love" by Love Song.  A tribute to Pastor Chuck Smith.  Examples of two men who loved Jesus and brought revival to the world.

After a delightful lunch, Xochilt De La Cueva, led us in a powerful prayer where there was adoration of God, confession of trespasses, thankfulness towards our God and petitions in supplication to Him.  We did this all together as women, as the body of Christ.  It was a special time.

Then, Bea Martin, led us in a thought provoking craft that reminded us to be refreshed and revived by God's Word and each other.

Our time with Sandy ended Saturday evening with an incredible time of prayer.  There were so many spirit led prayers lifted to our Lord.  It was intimate and heartfelt.

To end this amazing time spent with our Lord and each other, on Sunday, Sherri Youngward shared her heart in a study out of Luke 8:43 and Luke 22.  She reminded us that Jesus came to earth to teach us who our father in heaven is.  After, in a time of reflection and remembrance, we ended with communion.  A perfect ending to a blessed weekend.

In this retreat, there was joyous laughter, fun and quite time with our Creator.  More importantly, there was restoration of hearts, re-dedication of lives, and it was beautiful to see a non-believer fall in love with Jesus.  Praise the Lord!  A memorable weekend for many who experienced His power to save and His power to transform and revive hearts.

In Him,

CCLH Women's Ministry

Love Song Music Video "Feel The Love"

Sherri Youngward "She Looks To The Sky"